One of the most satisfying aspects of being a new homeowner is the process of "making it your own."
That could include everything from painting walls and hanging pictures to replacing window treatments and assembling shelves. (Then, of course, there's the unpacking, furniture arranging, organizing, and room cleaning!)
For some people, one of the biggest challenges in getting unpacked, set up, and fully decorated is keeping their motivation high. While momentum is usually highest during the first few weeks of living in a new home, a lot of distractions, interruptions, and competing priorities can quickly vie for your attention.
In addition to using good time management skills and setting self-imposed deadlines for getting projects done, here are a few other strategies for staying on track with your decorating and home improvement goals:
Purchase needed supplies ASAP: It's easy for a project to get derailed or put on the "back burner" when you don't have all the tools, supplies, and materials you need to get started. Painting walls and ceilings is the perfect example because you can't get fully underway until you have a variety of brushes, rollers, paint trays, drop cloths, painters' tape, and a sufficient supply of paint -- often more than one color. If you have holes or cracks to fill, you may also need additional supplies like joint compound, a putty knife, and sandpaper. When you have immediate access to all the supplies you need for a particular project, it eliminates potential delays, excuses for getting started, and interruptions in your work flow.
Arrange child care: Sometimes the best approach to keeping your children supervised and entertained while you're working on the house is to hire a responsible teenager to babysit. If you have one or more older children in the family who can help take care of the younger ones for a few hours, then that's even better. In either case, you'll be able to stay focused on the task at hand and get a lot more accomplished.
Make it a priority: The problem with continually postponing a home repair, a landscaping task, or a painting project is that weeks can easily turn into months! Before you know it, years have gone by and you still haven't organized your basement, cleaned out those clogged rain gutters, or applied a fresh coat of paint to your outdated bathroom walls. By blocking off a specific period of time for getting a project underway or completed, you'll be accomplishing your home maintenance goals and beautifying your home faster and more efficiently.
Commit it to writing: When you write yourself a reminder note, create a to-do list, mark it on your calendar, or even text your spouse about your plans to tackle the project on Saturday, you've increased the probability that it will get done. Verbally telling people about it, such as when they ask you what you're doing this weekend, will also help fuel your motivation and nudge you to get the job done in a timely way!
"THE DONNA WARFIELD TEAM" Donna Warfield & Kimberly Clark joined together in 2017 as The Donna Warfield Team of RE/MAX Vision as a "Mother/Daughter" Real Estate duo. Together we offer 39 years of experience and have been assisting buyers and sellers since 1994 "There is no substitute for an experienced Real Estate Agent who is able to advise & guide you through the entire process, eliminate obstacles, as well as being able to resolve any potential problems that may arise." A home is one of the biggest investments that you will ever have whether you are a 1st time buyer or a seasoned home owner considering selling your home, our goal is to educate our clients on what to expect along the way and to make your Real Estate experience a pleasant one!
The Donna Warfield Team is the key ingredient to a "successful" Real Estate us today! We look forward to assisting you with all your real estate needs.
Donna Warfield & Kimberly Clark