Tag: Gardening

Posted on 02/02/2025
Home Maintenance: Tips for Every Season
Maintaining your home should be a priority, but it can be overwhelming to fit in all of those routine maintenance projects along with the rest of your commitments. Fortunately, it's very easy to come up with a maintenance schedule based on the seasons. If you follow this schedule, you will always stay on track with your preventative maintenance,...
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Posted on 01/02/2022
3 Ways Victory Gardens Can Benefit You
Victory gardens have been a tradition ever since the first World War. Growing your own vegetables, fruits and other edible crops at home can have major benefits, no matter the size and complexity of your garden. Here are some of the top reasons victory gardens are still beneficial in a modern world: Know Exactly What’s In Your Food...
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Posted on 09/19/2021
Protect Your Vegetable Garden With Catnip
Catnip is an herb of many talents. Besides being famously loved by cats, it also has many benefits for your home and garden. Catnip can be particularly beneficial when grown in vegetable gardens because of its pest-repelling properties. Here we’ll go into detail about how and why to use catnip in your vegetable garden. Bug Repellent One of...
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Posted on 06/13/2021
Growing Beyond the Norm: 3 Unexpected Climbing Plants for Your Garden Trellis
Growing climbing plants on a trellis is a perfect way to use a small space efficiently. Trellises with vines can be purely decorative or provide valuable functionality like shade and privacy. There are many popular climbing plants to choose from if you’re looking for something to cover a trellis, but even if you’re looking for something different from...
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